‘The Building Industry and Change’,
Building Centre Paper, 1980
‘The Overseas Student - a possible Direction for Architectural Education in the Commonwealth’,
a PSB paper, 1981
‘Aspects of Designing’,
a PSB paper, 1982
‘Schools as a Resource - Managing Incremental Refurbishment’,
Architects’ Journal, 5th December 1984
‘Present Change and Future Education’,
RIBA London Region Handbook, 1985
‘Feasibility Study for Rationalisation of the South Bank Poly technic’s sites in Southwark’,
DES A&B Branch publication, November 1985
‘Influence of the European Community on the Education and Training of Building Industry Professionals in the UK’,
Hong Kong University, November 1986
‘Property Management for Architects - Schools as a Resource’,
Nottingham University, December 1987
‘Professional Education for Construction: Overseas Comparisons’,
Department of the Environment, October 1989
‘Profession Education for Construction; Continuing Professional Development’,
Department of the Environment, 1989
‘Educational Futures and the Construction Industry’,
Construction Industry Council’s Heads of Courses Conference,
Institution of Civil Engineers, London, May 1989
‘Education and Training in the Construction Industry’,
National Economic Development Office,
Construction Sector Group, London, October 1989
‘Education and Training in the Construction Industry’,
Keynote speech at the Annual Conference of the Electrical
Contractors’ Association, Torquay, May 1990
‘Architectural Practice in Europe - Germany’
(with Professor W. Biggs), RIBA Publications 1991
‘Kreisentwicklungsplan Hoyerswerda’
(with Professor H. Schwarzbach) Freistaat Sachsen, 1993
Bennett J., Haenlein H., Robinson G., Atkin B., and Pain J.,
‘Client Briefing - A Recommended Structure of Effective
Briefing Instruments’, University of Reading, CSSC, 1995
Bright K.T., Howard Y., Cook G., Allen P.R.F., Haenlein H.,
‘Building Design and Sensory Impairment’, Research Group for
Inclusive Environments, University of Reading, 1996
Haenlein H. and Addis B.,‘Architectural Education - Meeting the Challenge’,
The International Journal of Architectural Management Practice and Research (no 12), 1996, pp.15-22, ISSN 1026-3454
‘London Docklands’,
paper delivered at Leipzig UNESCO Conference‘Welterbestätten der Industriegeschichte’ 30 October 1998
Luck R., Haenlein H., and Bright K.,‘Project Briefing for Accessible Design’
Design Studies, 2001
Luck R., Haenlein H., and Bright K.,‘Project Briefing for an Inclusive Universal Design Process’
in W. Preiser & E. Ostroff (Eds), The Universal Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill New York, 2001
Luck R., and Haenlein H., ‘Developing Shared Language and Value’ in‘Value Through Design’,
proceedings of the joint CIB WO96 Architectural Management & Design Research Society Conference held at the Universityof Reading in September 2001.
‘Architektenausbildung im Entwerfen England’
EAAE Buchprojekt 2002
Professor Haenlein has been a Visiting Lecturer at Universities in: England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, USA, Canada, Mexico, and Hong Kong, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA.
He has also acted as an External Examiner in Universities and Polytechnics across Britain and Ireland.
Judge for national and international architectural competitions.